The Third Thursday

Tom's PicDear Friends,

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month!

In this newsletter, you'll meet Anita and learn how the Y Diabetes Prevention Program (YDPP) helps her avoid the dangerous path to type 2 diabetes. Did you know you can help the Y reduce the number of people who develop diabetes and turn the tide on this national health epidemic?

It only takes a few minutes to send a note to your Members of Congress asking for support of the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Act (MDPA) -- a bill that would make the National Diabetes Prevention Program (including YDPP) a covered benefit for Medicare beneficiaries living with prediabetes.

Here are the facts to show how your help will save dollars and, more importantly, save lives:

• There are 29.1 million people in the U.S. with diabetes and another 86 million people living with prediabetes, putting them at risk for developing the condition.
• Half of individuals 65 and older have prediabetes. If these people don't take action, they will develop type 2 diabetes.
• Medical costs for people with diabetes are twice as high for people without the condition; one of every three Medicare dollars is spent on diabetes.
• National Institutes of Health research shows programs -- like YDPP -- that offer structured lifestyle interventions help individuals lose 5-7% of their weight and help prevent type 2 diabetes.
• It’s estimated the U.S. could save $100-191 billion over 10 years if programs like YDPP were scaled nationally.
• A recent study found MDPA would reduce federal spending by $1.3 billion over 10 years.

Not convinced? Click here to learn even more and take action. Thanks in advance for your help in giving the community better access to affordable and accessible prevention options. Together, we can make healthy living a reality for millions of Americans with prediabetes.

Happy Holidays! Enjoy family and friends, don’t overeat, and remember the Y is open on Thanksgiving to assist you on your healthy living journey!

See you at the Y,

Tom Looby
President & CEO

For Healthy Living

Striving for Optimum Health

Anita Smith is reversing her diabetes risk thanks to the Y Diabetes Prevention Program.

With diabetes in her family, Anita Smith knew the dangers of the chronic disease and her potential risk. But it didn’t really hit her until her last workplace health assessment. “I found out I was obese and bigger than I have ever been,” recalls Anita. “I was becoming so unhealthy; I was starting to have layers of problems. Doctors told me I was going to have to go on blood pressure medication. It’s pretty scary.”
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Y Welcomes NFL Pros

Former NFL players working out at the New Tampa Family YMCA.

Unbeknownst to many New Tampa Family YMCA members, they have been workout buddies with former NFL stars. The former pros are part of “The Breakfast Club,” an exclusive program through The Trust, in partnership with EXOS and the Y. For six weeks, players receive customized workouts, physical therapy, nutritional education and meals.
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For Healthy Living

National Champs with Y Roots

Top L to R teammates: Jack Valenzuela, Nehemiah Turner, Richard Lockett, III, Christian Cole Top L to R coaches: Asst. Coach Robert Davis, Asst. Coach Clifton Scott, Head Coach R. Lockett, Jr. Bottom L to R: Derajah Hardy, Sean Scott, Rolijah Hardy (Championship MVP), Christian Devore, Kevin Knuggs, Josh Devore, Raleigh Lockett

Six very talented young boys who grew up playing basketball at the New Tampa Family YMCA are getting national recognition. The boys played together at the Y since the age of 3, with three of their fathers serving as volunteer basketball coaches. After years of practicing and competing together at the Y, they started competing around the state and country as the “Bay Believers” team.
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For Social Responsibility

Tampa Y Awarded Generous Tech Grant

Tampa YMCA Governance Board Chair Michelle Maingot and Tampa YMCA CEO Tom Looby (in middle with $250,000 in-kind Microsoft check) joined by Y Teen Achievers and Y staff.

The Tampa Y is now able to leverage technology to help us do our life-changing work more efficiently, effectively and innovatively…thanks to a generous $250,000 in-kind technology grant. During a Nov. 5th grand opening celebration of Microsoft at International Plaza and Bay Street, Microsoft donated more than $1 million in software grants to the Tampa Y and five other local nonprofits.
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Teeing Off & Giving Back

L to R:  Lloyd White, Ernesto Velez, Carlos Montero and Maximo Heredia

Last month, hundreds of community members came out to enjoy a day on the green for a good cause. The Campo Family YMCA Golf Tournament was sponsored by the Krista Marie Sellars Memorial Foundation at the River Hills Country Club in Valrico. At the young age of 14, Krista tragically died in a car accident in 2007. Her foundation celebrates Krista’s giving legacy through various charities, scholarships and fundraising events throughout the year.
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Did you know about #GivingTuesday?

Following Thanksgiving, there are two days dedicated to getting shopping deals (Black Friday and Cyber Monday). The very next day, December 1st, is #GivingTuesday -- a day for giving back. It doesn’t matter how you give or what you give...only that you give. You can give a donation, your time or your attention. On #GivingTuesday, December 1st, please consider giving to the Tampa Y where 100% of every dollar donated goes to help children and families in your local community.

Click here to learn more about the Tampa YMCA’s #GivingTuesday initiative.



Did you know our community voted the YMCA as the #1 Fitness Program for 2015 Tampa Bay Business Journal's BEST IN THE BIZ Readers' Choice Awards?

Click here to see the local rankings. Thank you, Tampa Bay, for picking the Y as your top choice to reach your healthy living goals!




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