The Third Thursday

Tom's PicDear Friends,

September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, and while the dangers of childhood obesity are well chronicled, many families need support changing their kids’ (and their own) habits with the ultimate goal of improving health. That’s why the Tampa YMCA — a leading voice on improving health — wants families to understand the dangers of obesity and ways to reverse course through increased physical activity and improved eating habits.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than tripled in children and adolescents over the past 30 years. Today, obesity affects one in six children and one in three are overweight, which poses greater risks for a number of health problems such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and some cancers.

Once a family understands weight-related risks, they can work together to incorporate more physical activity and healthy eating habits into their daily routines. The following tips are some great ways to incorporate more activity and healthier eating habits into your daily family routine:

Eat Healthy: Make water the drink of choice (supplemented by age-appropriate portions of 100% fruit juices and low-fat milk) and fill half your plates with fruits and vegetables.

Play Every Day/Go Outside: Kids should have at least an hour a day of unstructured play outside (when possible) and break a sweat at least three times a week by getting 20 minutes or more of vigorous physical activity.

Get Together: Eat as a family as frequently as possible with kids involved in meal prep and clean up. Take a break from electronics and spend one-on-one time each day with each other.

Reduce Screen Time: Time spent in front of a television, computer, tablet, cell phone or video games should be limited to two hours per day.

Sleep Well: Kids and adults need to keep a regular sleep schedule—10-12 hours per night for kids and seven to eight hours for adults.

In addition to being healthy at home, let our Y trained staff help you meet your goals! The Tampa Y is continually adding new tools, classes and resources to inspire and empower you to take greater control of your health. For example, we now have a new weight loss program called “Y Weight” offered for free to our current members. I invite you to read more about Y Weight in this newsletter, in addition, to some of the other innovative health and wellness programs we’re offering at our Ys. We’re here for all your health needs!

See you at the Y,

Tom Looby
President & CEO

For Social Responsibility

Making Big Waves

South Tampa Y Board Member Joe Caimano playing with his kids in the new Carol Kennedy Aquatic Center.

Jump in! With the addition of three new state-of-the art pools, the Tampa Y is making big waves in drowning prevention. Last week, nearly 200 guests, including Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn and the Kennedy family, attended the dedication ceremony for the Carol Kennedy Aquatic Center at the South Tampa Family YMCA.
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For Healthy Living

Y “Weight” to Get Healthier?

Senior Wellness Director Jenny Beadle says the Tampa Y’s health and wellness future is limitless.

Weight loss and feeling good about ourselves can be a challenge for many of us. The Tampa Y is here to help you lead a healthier and happier life. It’s why we’re launching a pilot health and wellness program exclusive to our members. Y-Weight is an immersive 12-week program offered free of charge to our Everywhere members. It’s just one of the new innovative health and wellness programs the Tampa Y offers to help the community achieve a positive balance in spirit, mind and body. “It’s going to be an amazing thing for our members to be able to hit their goals and be introduced to more of the programming we have at the Y,” says Bob Sierra Family Y Senior Wellness Director Jenny Beadle. “We want to touch every member that comes into the building. The majority of people join because they want to lose weight. If they hit those goals and they lose that weight, they’ll be more confident.”
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Try-a-Tri at the Y

New Tampa Y member Mary Spence (far left) came in 3rd place at the Fort DeSoto International Distance Triathlon.

As a teacher, Mary Spence’s day starts way before she greets her classroom full of kids every day. Mary is determined to meet her healthy living goals and it all starts with an early morning trip to the New Tampa Family YMCA. Mary is part of the Y’s new “Try-a-Tri” program, open to those interested in completing a triathlon but not sure how to train for one as well as experienced athletes. For eight weeks, Mary receives hands-on training from experienced coaches in swimming, biking and running.
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Serving Up Family Fun

During the 11th Annual Summer Shot Fest at the Bob Sierra Y, Jim and Julianna Hayes were beginner winners during parent/child doubles.

Here’s a fun fact…did you know racquetball was invented at the YMCA? In 1950, YMCA volunteer Joe Sobek created the concept while looking for a fast-paced, easy sport at the Greenwich YMCA in Connecticut. Fast forward 65 years, and the sport is now making history at the Bob Sierra Family YMCA in Carrollwood.
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For Healthy Living

Fit Kids Do Better in School

During Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, new research shows kids who are physically fit actually have differences in their brain structures that might allow them to do better in math.

Researchers scanned the brains of children ages 9 and 10 and found kids who could run for longer periods of time had thinner sections of gray matter in the front of their brains than those with lower stamina. These same children performed significantly better on standardized math tests than their peers.
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Did you know
you’re invited to tee it up for a good cause? The West Park Village YMCA Express is hosting its 10th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Friday, October 30th at the Eagles Golf Club, Forest Course at 16101 9 Eagles Dr. in Odessa, FL.

The tournament consists of a four-person scramble format, with registration beginning at 12:00 p.m. and a shotgun start at 1:00 p.m. Registration fees are $125 per golfer and $400 per foursome, which includes a 12-1:00 p.m. lunch, courtesy of Chick-fil-A®; and a 5-6:00 p.m. dinner, courtesy of Carrabba’s Italian Grill®. The dinner will also include a silent auction.

All proceeds from the event will go toward the Y’s annual campaign, ensuring all children and families — regardless of background or income — have a chance to benefit from the YMCA’s life-changing programs and services, such as swim lessons, summer camp, LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA cancer wellness program, licensed afterschool and licensed preschool.

“The success of this tournament will allow us to offer scholarships to more kids and families in our community,” says Interim Executive Director Marilyn Gyselinck. “Not only is it a great time, but it provides a tremendous amount of support for the impactful work we do.”

Interested participants can register at the West Park Village YMCA Express on 9878 W. Linebaugh Avenue and the Northwest Hillsborough Family YMCA on 8950 W. Waters Avenue. For more information, contact or 813.249.8510.


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